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Como transformar uma TV de tubo em smart [e assistir até Netflix]

tagsHdmi Over Fiber Extender

Learn how to use codes on Netflix to unlock hidden categories of movies and series that are different from the past

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Looking for an enlightening plot to see in the stream? View the list of movies based on real events on Netflix

Set in a post-apocalyptic world, it’s almost impossible to survive, check out the exciting zombie plot

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Top rated review

Positivo's competitor, Elsys smart Wi-Fi light has 16 million colors, but only provides warm white light

Positivo Casa Inteligente’s smart lights are R$99 and smart plugs are R$129, but are they not bad?

Smart Philips Hue Light is more independent and can be used with Bluetooth and Zigbee, but the price is still high

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Positivo's smart doorman has a night vision camera, a two-way microphone, and integration with a virtual assistant

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